Trans Asia Partners Japan Limited (TAPJ)
are international business specialists, trading
with businesses in many countries. We have
existing contacts and business partnerships
with many companies spread throughout the
world and are continually seeking to update
and expand our network.
Our mission is to identify and exploit business
opportunities which cross international boundaries.
We have the experience and resources to form
partnerships with globally minded and outwardly
looking companies, who do not restrict themselves
to looking to only their local market. The
21st century world, due to the rise in high
speed communications, is a very small place
and traditional market boundaries are becoming
increasingly weak. We wish to break down
these barriers and allow companies to trade
in any market, at any time by forming partnerships
or organizations across the world.
We are currently able to do this due to our
numerous connections with companies spread
throughout the world. We are able to take
advantage of any business opportunity, quickly
and efficiently, in any market. |